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I'm a caterpillar that hasn't become a butterfly. My blog is about being in that cocoon, breaking free and everything that comes with it...

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

WOman to woMAN

Dear Trans Woman,

I understand you were born man.
I however don't understand and would never understand why you became woman.
I try to understand it, believe me I do. But I just can't wrap my head around it.
Is it because you think women beautiful?
We have long hair (or weaves), our curves make a ruler awkwardly straight, our lips are oh so full and kissable, our eyes are framed by thick long lashes (which we purchase sometimes), our dreamy skin, our oh so so long legs, our gait...

Or is it the fact that we menstruate once every month and go through a kaleidoscope of moods in the process?
Or that sometimes we don't menstruate and it weighs us down really bad?
Or maybe it's that you are fascinated by the fact that we have these Y shaped uteruses that possess this amazing ability to house babies.
Or we get pregnant and crave sand and chalk?
Or it's that we don't get pregnant and are termed barren?
Or maybe it's that we fake orgasms so the man can become the sexual stud he thinks he is?
Or it's that we remain in abusive relationships for any number of reasons ranging from love to children?

Or could it be because sometimes we bury our faces in our pillows and cry through the night because life can get so so complicated?
Or because we wake up the next day and wear that smile we don't feel?
Or maybe it's because we go to that job interview where our vaginas are expected to answer the questions instead?
Or it's that we are relegated to taking minutes at work meetings even though our brains are capable of so much more?
Or perhaps again it's because sometimes we bring home the bread because the hunter hasn't caught game in a while.
Or because we become Daddy when he is too busy trying to hunt and pays no attention to anything else?
Or it's because we've lost our femininity in becoming the men we cannot find?

Please help me understand.

Yours Faithfully,


  1. Pls when you get an answer notify me, I'm confused or is it intrigued myself

    Mrs Sunshine
